To create a test, first create a huddle:

Step 1:  Click the Menu bars to the left of your profile picture.

Step 2:  Click on "Publisher"

Step 3:  Select "Create New Huddle"

Step 4:  Please assign it to a category then give it a "Title"

Step 5:  Click "Save Edits"

Step 6:  Navigate to "Add module", then select "Test".

Step 7:  Provide a Test Name

Step 8:  Provide the description of the test

Step 9:  Name the test icon.  (This is a short description of the test name)

Step 10:  If you want participants to take the test multiple times, please check "Multiple Attempts".  

- If unchecked, the test will be scored after one attempt.

*Upload a video or slides if you have one reps should be using for informational purposes.  This will show up on the right hand side of the test.


1. Multiple Choice - One Answer: A question with only one possible answer.

The test taker's experience:

*Answers are automatically graded.

2.  Multiple Choice - Multiple Answers: One question with multiple answers.

The test taker's experience:

*Answers are automatically graded.

3. Essay Short Answer - Participant will provide a text or paragraph answer to the question. 1000 words limit.

The test taker's experience:

*The host or any Productivity Coach can then grade the question and provide comment after the participant have submitted the answer.

The results are then shown on the homepage of the huddle.


a. An automatic email notification is sent to the host whenever a participant submits a test.

b. An automatic email notification is sent to the participant whenever a host or productivity coach submits a test grade.